Lionsgate has introduced Season 1 of the animated comedy The Freak Brothers arrives on digital April 17. Animated by Starburns Industries (Rick and Morty) and Pure Creativeness Studios (The Simpsons), the grownup collection chronicles the escapades of a trio of cannabis-loving, time-traveling “Freaks” from the late Sixties who awaken from a 50-year nap after smoking a magical pressure of weed. Far out!
From the world of underground comix and primarily based on Gilbert Shelton’s acclaimed “The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers,” the collection takes place in modern-day San Francisco and options stoners Freewheelin’ Franklin Freek (Woody Harrelson); Phineas T. Phreakears (Pete Davidson); Fats Freddy Freekowtski (John Goodman); and Fats Freddy’s cat aka Kitty (Tiffany Haddish).
The Freak Brothers Season 1 is written and produced by Silicon Valley alums Dave Krinsky and John Altschuler, and Extremely Gifted’s Daniel and Jeremy Lehrer; it will likely be accessible for the steered retail value of $9.99 for Digital.
Supply: Lionsgate