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Home3D ModelingRhino Information, and so on.: Rhino Consumer Webinar

Rhino Information, and so on.: Rhino Consumer Webinar

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Rhino Consumer Webinar

Might 31, 2023, at 4:00 PM CEST

Throughout this webinar, Ana Bridgewater (Abalon) will showcase her course of for making a sustainable and practical ornamental lamp with high-quality lighting that’s each sculptural and visually interesting. Incorporating Rhino into her workflow, she seamlessly combines conventional handbook work with digital instruments. The lamp is comprised of repurposed hardwood and ceramics, showcasing Ana’s dedication to utilizing sustainable supplies in her designs.

As a designer and sculptor, Ana has been working with porcelain since 2004. In 2015, Ana relocated to London to ascertain herself and proceed her inventive work and has gained worldwide recognition for her sustainable designs. Her work attracts inspiration from nature, significantly sea animals resembling corals and diatoms, as evidenced in her newest designs.



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