Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Home3D ModelingEscape key on the sketchup for ipad - SketchUp for iPad

Escape key on the sketchup for ipad – SketchUp for iPad

That’s true. And that’s the place having a second gen Apple Pencil is advantageous. With issues arrange in preferences in order that the pencil double faucet gesture is mapped to Escape, you should use that to do all of the issues that the Escape key can do on desktop, incl exiting teams/parts.


I’ve the second gen pencil and actually hate the double faucet on it. It’s so vulnerable to errors, it triggers after I do all kind of issues. (Samsung stylus are the perfect I attempted but, with their button).

Anyway, my feeling about this characteristic request is that this:

No Escape key? Appears easy however can’t discover one. Can anybody assist?



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