Thursday, November 30, 2023
Home3D ModelingHow do I create guides in Format to snap to? - LayOut

How do I create guides in Format to snap to? – LayOut


Is there a approach to create guides in Format very similar to sketchup the place you employ the tape measure software? I typically draw a line and snap every little thing to that…

I apologize if this query / answer has been handled, please direct me to a hyperlink for the answer.

Thanks upfront


There isn’t a software in LayOut like SketchUp’s Tape Measure Software.

There are alignment instruments underneath the Organize menu and you’ll modify the placement of the Precision level so that time might be snapped into place. You may also use the cursor keys to maneuver entities particular distances.

Bummer…thanks for the work round Dave…:slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t name these choices work arounds. LayOut is completely different from SketchUp in plenty of methods.

True…however each little bit of information helps.

Thanks once more.

I’ll typically create a layer referred to as “information strains”. It simply has strains on it that i’ve drawn to make use of for alignment. Toggle this layer to be seen when wanted and use Object Snap or Grid Snap to line stuff up. Then toggle invisible. That is most likely a bit crude, nevertheless it appears to work till I work out one thing higher.


You could possibly put these guides on an all pages layer if you wish to align gadgets throughout a number of pages as properly.



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